Mom packing diaper bag.

What To Pack In Diaper Bag: Essentials

Everyone who currently has or has had babies will tell you how heavy diaper bags can get. Babies need a lot of things, and if you get carried away packing, you might have to haul your bag around.

If you are here, it’s because you are getting ready to pack your baby’s diaper bag and want to make sure you have everything you need.

I have put together a list of all of the essentials that you need to pack in your diaper bag, so you are not left in a jam away from home. This list only includes all of the must-haves while leaving out all of the fluff.

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored. Any products mentioned are products and brands that I have used and like.

What to Pack in your Baby’s Diaper Bag

· Diapers

Pack at least 5-6 diapers. I mean, it is called a diaper bag for a reason ; ) . Babies soil a lot of diapers and you need to be diligent in changing them to avoid any rashes from developing.

· Wipes

Make sure that you are always carrying wipes. It would be the most unpleasant surprise if your baby soiled themselves and you had no wipes to clean them up. They also come in handy to clean their little faces, hands, and any other body parts that might get dirty. As a bonus, they are very useful if you need to clean yourself up as well after eating or if you touch a dirt surface.

· Diaper Cream

For applying after diaper changes to moisturize and prevent diaper rash. I love using the A+D Diaper Cream. This is the one I used for both of my babies and they never developed a rash. Highly recommend.

· Hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer that needs to be packed in diaper bag.
Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

Not only will it help you keep your hands germ-free when touching your baby, but it’ll also help keep your hands clean if you are in a place without access to a sink or running water after diaper changes. It’s always a good idea to keep one in your diaper bag at all times.

· If Formula Fed

Do not forget to pack bottles, water, and formula.

I used to pre-measure everything at home. I would add the water to all the bottles and have the pre-measure formula in a separate container (formula dispenser).

Doing it this way, made preparing bottles a breeze.

· If Breastfeeding

You may choose to pack a nursing cover and nursing pads to prevent leakage from soaking through your clothes.

· Bibs

Babies drool, a lot. That’s not even counting how many times they spit up. They soak through those bibs like nobody’s business. So, make sure you pack a few to change them as needed.

· Receiving blankets

Receiving blankets are super versatile. You can use them as a burping cloth, nursing cover, diaper change pad, and so much more. They do not occupy a lot of space in the diaper bag, and you won’t have to pack multiple things for different uses.

I had so many of these when I had my babies because of their versatility. And they are so easy to clean! Simply throw them in the washer and dryer with the baby’s laundry and they will be ready to go.

· Baby change of clothes

Baby clothes folded in different piles.
Photo by Chloe Amaya on Pexels

Pack at least 2 changes of clothes. Babies are constantly spitting up and getting dirty. And hopefully they do not have a diaper blowout, in which case their clothes will be covered like a peanut butter sandwich, lol.

· Change of clothes for you

Pack a dress or a shirt you can change into in case the baby has an accident all over you. Trust me, do not forget to pack something for yourself. I had to learn that the hard way.

· Pacifiers

If you use pacifiers, pack some extra. At some point or another, the pacifier that they are currently using is bound to end up on the floor. Even if you use a pacifier clip, they will figure out a way to pull them off and throw them down.

· Toys and teethers

Pack a few toys to keep your baby entertained. Furthermore, if your baby has started teething, make sure to pack some teethers to help them soothe their aching gums.

· Plastic bags

You may not always have a trash can close by to throw away your baby’s dirty diaper. It is always good to have a place to safely stash a dirty diaper until it can be thrown out.

You will also need them to put away dirty clothes until you get home to wash them or until you can throw them in the dirty laundry.

· Snacks

Snacks packed in separate sealed bags.
Photo by Bora C on Pexels

As your baby begins to eat solids, you may want to pack some snacks for them to munch on. Also, you can pack some for yourself too! Don’t forget you need to take care of yourself as well.

· A little extra

You do not have to pack this one, but a lot of moms like to always have Pacifier Disinfectant Wipes. I have personally never used them, but many moms love this product and swear by it, so I wanted to throw it out there ; ) .

And the decision you need to make!

Are you going to carry a purse or use the diaper bag?

Many moms choose to ditch their purse for a little while or for some outings. A diaper bag is already big enough to carry and they do not want to add more to their load.

What I did

I ditched my purse for a few months. I used the diaper bag to stash my essentials. Eventually, as the diaper bag began to get smaller, I took my purse out of vacation.

To wrap up

Mom folding baby clothes and placing them on a table.
Photo by Sarah Chai on Pexels

I know you must be thinking that this is a lot of stuff, and you would be right. This is because babies need a lot of things.

If you follow this list, you will have all the must-have items while out with your baby, while leaving out any unnecessary things that will only make your diaper bag heavier.

Psss… You might be interested in reading The Best And Latest Hospital Bag Checklist For Giving Birth.

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