Children jumping in the water.

Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe In The Water

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored.

With summer quickly approaching, there is one thing that is always on our minds: it’s water fun time!

Water has always been a source of very fond memories for me. I will always remember when I was younger and my father used to take us to the beach. Or when we were over at my aunt’s house in the countryside and she would take us to the river to swim and play. It was one of the most fun times of my childhood.

Now, I do the same thing for my children. I am very blessed to live in the Jersey Shore area. We are surrounded by beaches and lakes. The summer is one of the best times of the year as we spend so much time anywhere there’s water. However, as fun of a time as this is, I always make sure the kids are safe while doing so.

You see, we can admire the beauty of the water while respecting it at the same time. Sadly, drowning continues to be in the top 5 of unintentional death for children under 5 years old. According to Stop Drowning Now, “Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide, accounting for 7 percent of all injury-related deaths.”

It is very important to know the signs of Drowning. It’s not always the frantic splashing of water; it happens fast and quickly. If you would like to learn more about the signs and how to rescue someone, click here to read an amazing article explaining these points on Stop Drowning Now.

However, with some preparations and rules in place, you can fully enjoy your day at the beach, pool or any body of water that calls you. This is why, I want to share with all of you some things that have worked great for us. And I hope these tips can help make your summer a fun but safe one.

Teach them to swim

Child swimming, this keeps him safe in the water.
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels

Swimming is not just for fun but a survival skill. Learning how to swim is so important.  You can teach them in a pool or a lake (maybe not the beach, as it is more unpredictable and dangerous). If you are unable to teach them yourself, you can sign them up for swimming lessons if your budget allows.

We are teaching our children ourselves. We take advantage when we are at the pool or the lake. It’s an activity the whole family enjoys.

Don’t go deep

My kids are not very strong swimmers yet, because of this, we make sure that they do not go any deeper than belly button deep. It gives me peace of mind and keeps them safe.

However, when we are at the beach, they have to stay on the shore unless accompanied by an adult. This ensures that they do not get caught in a rip current or that a wave will drag them deeper into the ocean.

If water is too crowded, don’t go in without me

If there are a lot of people bathing at the same time, it can be a hazard for small children. Especially if they are going in alone. You may lose sight of them and this may put them in a dangerous situation.

If water is too crowded, don’t swim underwater

This can be extremely dangerous. They may get accidentally trampled on, crashed into or someone might land on them because they couldn’t see them. It is better to prevent than regret.

Life Jackets or Floaties

Child jumping in the pool and wearing floaties. Being safe in the water.
Photo by Nelly Aran on Pexels

Both of my children have their own life jackets. I prefer the ones that wrap around the chest and has 2 pieces that attach to the arms (like the one on the picture above). It keeps them comfortably upright and at a good angle.

When we are at the lake or in a pool, they have lots of fun because they have more freedom to move around. I am more relaxed to let them go in on their own if they are wearing them.

However, they do not wear them at beach. It personally scares me because it would make it that much easier for a wave to drag them out to sea. But that’s a decision that every parent must make for themselves, taking into consideration their children’s swimming capability.

Ask before going into the water

Maybe everyone took a break to eat lunch, go to the bathroom or play in the sand. Make sure that if they want to go back into the water, they ask you first. That way you can either go with them or keep watch over them. Completely discourage any sneaking back into the water without your knowledge.

Don’t go into the water with a full stomach

This doesn’t’ mean they can’t soak their toes or sit calmly in the water after eating. But they cannot go swimming or doing any strenuous water playing on a full stomach. This can make them nauseous (and possibly make them vomit) or cause them indigestion.

Have them take it easy to allow proper digestion.

And a little extra

This is not really a safety tip, but a thoughtful tip. They know to be considerate, and this includes not splashing water on others. Or even if they are splashing each other, to be mindful of the people around them. They might love to play like that, but others may not appreciate it.

In essence, to be considerate of others.

The Most Important Rule

It’s not surprising that this one is for us, the parents.

You have to stay vigilant when your children are in the water. This means:

  • You can’t be under the influence of any drugs or alcohol
  • Do NOT be distracted by your phone or reading any books or magazines
  • Do not turn your gaze away for long periods of time
  • Always be alert

This may sound a bit melodramatic, but you have to keep in mind that your ability to stay focus is what will keep your child safe. Their lives depend on it. So, whenever they are near any body of water, always keep your eyes on them.

Family enjoying their time on the water safely.
Photo by René Roa on Pexels

If you keep these tips in mind, you will be able to enjoy your time in the water. With a little preparation and safety precautions you will be able to make every summer a memorable one. Let me know in the comments below what measures have worked for you  ^_^.

Wishing you a fun, wet and safe water fun!

You may also want to check out this post to keep your kids safe in the playground, and also click here to learn how to make a plan with your kids if they get lost.

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  1. […] You might also want to read Tips to keep your children safe in the water. […]

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