Two children laying down. Older child drinking from bottle while baby who is the second child is laying next to him while mom holds her hand and pats the older boy's head.

The Truth About Having A Second Child

Getting ready to welcome your second child is exciting, scary, but most of all, its packed with anticipation. Will they look like their older sibling? Will this baby have a similar temperament as my first?

There are so many questions that run through our minds. But even with all of that, we head towards it confidently because we have already been there and know what to expect.

As you welcome your second child and settle into your new routine, you realize there are so many things that are different the second time around.

10 things you learn when you have your second child

1. You are more confident

You have already experienced pregnancy, delivery, and babyhood. You are 100% prepared and confident to take on another baby. Unlike your first pregnancy, you now know how your body is while you’re pregnant, how things will go at the hospital, and how to change diapers or feed the baby.

You are ready and confident in what to do.

2. Your second pregnancy might be completely different from the first

Your second pregnancy might be completely opposite from your first. From the way you carry to the symptoms you might experience.

With my first pregnancy, my hair was full and shiny, my skin was clear, morning sickness was not bad, and my belly was high and roundly compact. On the other hand, my second pregnancy was the complete opposite. My hair looked dull, my skin was dry, morning sickness was horrible, and my belly was low and spread out.

My pregnancies were so vastly different that I was convinced that my second child was going to be a girl. But it was a boy. The way I carried my second pregnancy was simply different.

3. You might feel like a first-time parent again

Mom is holding second child trying to soothe them with a pacifier.
Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels

Even though you know what to do, you might still feel like a first-time parent all over again. This is because your second pregnancy might be completely different from the first, and also, you now have to get to know your new baby. Many times, what worked with your first, might not work with your second child. That binky that worked wonders with your oldest and calmed him down instantly, may not work at all for your second. You now have to figure out what works for the new baby.

Just like the first time, you will figure out what works best and you will rock at it. There’s a little learning curve as you get to know each other, but it won’t take long and you will do great.

4. You might feel anxious all over again

Remember how when you were expecting for the first time, you wondered if you could really do this? If you could handle a baby and raise them well? You probably wondered how you were going to go grocery shopping and handle the baby?

Well, you will have those same thoughts, but now times 2.

Your thoughts will now sound more like this: How will I go grocery shopping with 2 small children now? Can I handle both on my own?

The answer to all those questions is yes, yes you can. You will find your rhythm and the routine that best works for all of you. You have nothing to worry about.

5. You’ll wonder if your children will get along

You might wonder if all your children will get along and love each other. This is completely normal. I think every parent has this thought cross their minds as they get ready to welcome a new member of the family.

The truth is that they will get along but as they grow up, they’ll be moments when they disagree and will have arguments. But you will get to witness their relationship grow and blossom. It is a very heartwarming thing to witness, when the big sibling takes on the role as the protector of their little sibling. While at the same time, seeing how the youngest looks up and tries to emulate their big sibling. They become each other’s BFFs.

They will be fine.

Related Post: How To Make Sure Our Kids Get Along.

6. People might not check up on you much…or at all

The people closest to you will congratulate you, be at your baby shower, and visit you at the hospital to see you and the baby. They might do a follow up visit once you get home. But people do not check up on you as much with subsequent pregnancies and deliveries.

It might be because they know you are ok and you are already experienced at motherhood. They feel like they have already seen this movie and already know what’s going to happen. This doesn’t mean they do not care about you, because they do. It’s just different the second time around.

7. Your second child might be the complete opposite from your first

Big brother is hugging his little sister. they are both smiling and having a good time.
Photo by Ronailson Santos on Pexels

Your first child might’ve been a good sleeper, not a crier, and really calm. Maybe you were expecting, hoping, that your second child would be the same. But it turns out, that your second child cries if he is not being held, is not a good sleeper, and always heads straight to danger.

This is an experience that I have heard from so many parents. How different their children are. Even personality wise, one might be the most extroverted person to ever exist, while the other is super introverted and enjoys his own company at home.

It’s actually really fun to see their different personalities develop and shine.

8. You will be tired

Everyone that has one child knows that at the end of the day you are exhausted. Now, multiply that by two. Running around taking care of two children is not an easy feat, but it’s not impossible. Just like anything that is worthwhile, you will need to invest time and energy into it. But at the end of the day, you feel fulfilled and happy that you worked hard and finished your work.

It’s the same here. You might be tired at the end of the day, but you’ll be happy that your children are safe, fed, bathed, and well taken care of.

9. It’s double the work, but also double the joy

It is double the work, but it’s also double the joy. You get double the smiles, the milestones, and fulfillment. Watching your children grow and learning how to do things on their own, brings a joy to your heart that it’s almost indescribable. Watching them blossom, turning around and saying “look what I did mama”, and achieving their own goals, it’s truly priceless.

10. You will love it

A second child brings so much joy into a home. It may not always be a walk in the park, but it is completely worth it. You might wonder if you have enough love to give, just to learn that your heart expands infinitely to make room for everyone.

Watching your kids grow up and create memories will be one of the sweetest things you will experience.

In conclusion

Mom giving some orange pieces to her children while they sit on the table.
Photo by KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA on Pexels

Even though you will have more responsibilities and will have to do a lot of multitasking, having a second child will bring a lot of joy and happiness to your home. Your children will have each other to play and share memories with, and you will have two beautiful children that will fill your heart up with love and joy.

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