A few years back, a new parenting method was introduced: never say “no” to your kids. The idea behind this was to positively redirect the child’s behavior. Instead of saying no, the parent was to suggest the child do something else as an alternative. The goal was to focus on a positive way of parenting …
How To Deal With Unsolicited Parenting Advice
We have all received unsolicited advice, whether it was from a close loved one or a complete stranger in the street. It seems like everyone always wants to bestow on you their wisdom. Sometimes, the advice is very much welcomed and needed. Other times, not so much. We may have found ourselves on both sides …
Why Mom Shaming Will Never Die
If you are a mom, I am sure that you are familiar with the terms “mom shaming”, “mommy wars”, and others alike. At some point, every mom will have experienced mom shaming. Someone is bound to make a comment that is meant to make you feel inadequate in comparison to them. Or in the very …