Playground Rules And Safety Tips

The weather is starting to get very nice in the area that I live, which means, it’s time to take the kids outside to play and take in some fresh air. For most families, this means going to the playground.

The most exciting place in the world for children (aside from Disney World, lol). This is where they are able to run free and play to their hearts content. Where they can let out their battle cries that they have been holding in all winter long. For parents of very small children, it’s a moment to run around after their child while they discover the entire playground. Meanwhile, for the parents of older children, it’s a welcome break where they get to sit down, catch their breath and watch their children play.

Nonetheless, regardless of their children’s age, there is one thing that all parents have in common: our eyes are locked in on our children.

Even though the playground is a haven for children, as parents, we know that even in this fun place, we can’t let our guard down. We keep watch to make sure that they are playing safely and avoiding dangerous behavior that could result in them getting hurt.

Here are some playground and safety rules that have worked for our family.

Playground Safety

These are the points that we have discussed to make sure that they are staying safe while in the playground.

If you can’t see me, I can’t see you

My kids are old enough that I don’t have to follow them around in the playground as I used to when they were very small. However, I always have my eyes on them. They know that if they move somewhere where they can’t see me, that means that most likely I can’t see them either. Therefore, they are always visible to me and vice versa.

Don’t talk to strangers

Mom telling child not to talk to strangers.
Photo by Barbara Olsen on Pexels

Children must be aware that if an adult approaches them in the playground, they must not talk to them. This does not only include if it’s a man, but also if it’s a woman that seems very nice and probably has other children with her. If the adult makes any attempt to get the child to go with them, they must run to their parent or guardian and immediately tell them what happened.

No safe adult will ever try to get a child to go with them anywhere. Have your child know this very early on.

What to do if a stranger grabs them

This is a terrifying thing to think about. But it happens. One quick google search will send you down a scary rabbit hole, where people share their stories and/or their brush with abduction at the playground.

Therefore, we have to teach our children what to do if a stranger takes a hold of them and is trying to take them away.

They can:

  • Scream – They should scream as loud as they can and get the attention of people around.
  • Kick – Kick their legs and fling their arms as much as they can. The point is to make it difficult for anyone to carry them away.
  • Bite – This would be the time where this is absolutely permitted and encouraged. Tell them to bite hard. Hopefully the stranger will let go and give the child the chance to run away.
  • Yell – They should yell loud and clear to anyone around that this is not their parent and that they do not know this person.

They need to do everything they can to make it difficult for a stranger to take them. The goal is to make the person give up on them because it is too difficult and they attract too much attention. Hopefully, this will allow the child a chance to break free and get to safety.

Playground Rules

Now, on a much lighter note. These are the rules that we have for the playground to make sure that they enjoy themselves, while allowing others to have a good time as well.

Do not block the way for other kids

Children taking their turns and enjoying the slide.
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on Pexels

Have you ever been on the playground and seen other children blocking the way, so they have a whole game for themselves? I have. It causes a lot of frustration for the kids that want to play on them because someone has blocked access. It is not only rude, but it ruins it for everyone that went to have fun. We tell our kids to avoid doing this and take their turns.

Do not climb back up on the slides if children are waiting

My kids LOVE climbing up the slides, most kids do. I remember doing this myself when I was a kid. Even so, my kids know that if the playground is full and there are more children waiting their turn to go down the slides, they cannot climb back up. It is plainly annoying and it blocks the way for others. They could also cause an accident if someone fails to see them and slides down.

Be considerate of others

I always encourage them to be considerate of the people around them. To think how they would feel if someone was acting the same way as them. Would they be ok with it? Or would it be annoying?

They might be having fun while playing with the swings. But, how about if they have been playing for a few minutes and can see that there are other kids waiting for their turn? What if they don’t get off because they are having a great time? How would they feel if someone else did the same?

I want my children to be considerate and kind to others. In this case, it will be by taking turns so everyone has a chance to have fun.

Kids happy playing in the playground.
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels

These are just the main rules that we have in our house for the playground. There are some that I did not list because they are a given, such as no violence allowed (hitting, pushing, etc.), bad language and following the playground rules that are always listed at the entrance.

I enjoy being able to spend these fun times with my kiddos. However, even when we are having a great time, I always stay alert and make sure that they are too. That way they can enjoy themselves while staying safe.

I hope these tips were useful and that on this upcoming spring and summer, everyone has a fun and safe time at the playground.

Psss…. you might want to check out How To Make A Plan With Your Kids In Case They Get Lost In A Crowd.

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