Woman looking out at sea from a high place.

The Truth About The Mom Who Lost Herself

A Mom wears so many hats daily. She is a provider, homemaker, chef, doctor, teacher, adviser, and everything else in between. She wakes up early and goes to sleep late, has breakfast, lunch, and dinner always on time, helps with homework every day, cleans every scrape, and kisses every boo-boo. Fulfilling so many roles can …

Woman holding the letters N and O to make the word no.

Why You Need To Say No To Your Kids

A few years back, a new parenting method was introduced: never say “no” to your kids. The idea behind this was to positively redirect the child’s behavior. Instead of saying no, the parent was to suggest the child do something else as an alternative. The goal was to focus on a positive way of parenting …

Preteen boy sitting on his bed writing on a piece pf paper.

9 Signs Your Preteen Is Entering Puberty

When our children begin to go through puberty, we have no other choice but to accept that they are no longer our little babies. They are growing up, maturing, and becoming men and women. We all learn with our parents and at school that puberty is the transition from childhood to adulthood. It usually takes …