Child next to suitcase that's being packed for trip.

Must Haves When Traveling With Kids

Disclaimer: This post does not contain any sponsorships. These are my opinions on products that I like and use.

The weather is warming up and the end of the school year is quickly approaching. For a lot of families this means: Vacation Time!

It’s a time that not only children, but also parents are looking forward to. When you get to relax and unwind from the regular, everyday life. Essentially, it’s a chance to have fun and focus on enjoying yourselves.

There are some things I always make sure to pack for my children. I want to be prepared for anything that comes our way while we are on vacation. I have put together a list of must haves that you will not regret adding to your suitcase.

First Aid Kit

First aid kit items to pack when traveling with kids.
Photo by Roger Brown on Pexels

It seems that illness doesn’t get the memo that you are on vacation. Your kids might get sick or feel unwell while you are away. Or perhaps, they might fall and get a scratch or a bruise and you don’t want to be caught off guard.

The last thing you want is having to jet off to the nearest pharmacy to get things that you are in immediate need of. And to think, that you probably already have these items at home.

What to pack

  • Band Aids
  • Antibacterial ointment (such as Neosporin)
  • Acetaminophen and/or Ibuprofen (for pain and fever)
  • Thermometer
  • Gel sheets for reducing fever (Such as BeKoool soft gel sheets)
  • Chest Rub ointment (such as Vicks Vapor Rub or Matys All Natural Chest Rub)

These are the things that I always make sure to have in my first aid kit. I want to be prepared for any fevers or aches that may arise during our trip. You can use this list as a starting point, as a complete list or as a guide of products that you could follow to make your own emergency kit.


These are not exactly a part of my First Aid Kit, but I always make sure to have at hand.

  • Nearest Hospital and Urgent Care Facility
  • Throw up bucket

Ok, the first one is very self-explanatory. I always make sure to check out the nearest hospitals and Urgent cares just in case we find ourselves with an emergency on our hands. Thankfully, it has never happened, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared.

Now, the throw up bucket, lol. When we are traveling with our kids by car, we always carry a little bucket with us in case anyone gets sick while we are driving. There are times when either you are not going to be able to pull over quick enough, or at all. A bucket will save you the mess and contain anything that has been ejected until you can pull over and throw it out.

It doesn’t need to be a bucket, it could also be a sturdy bag (or sickness bag) that can easily be stuffed in your purse. It is readily available if anyone were to get suddenly nauseous and could not wait. It’s kinda of a gross thing to think about, but better safe than sorry.


Mom packing suitcase with child because they will be traveling together.
Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels

Here are the things that I always make sure to have in my children’s suitcases when we go away.

  • Towels
  • Water friendly shoes
  • Ankle socks
  • Their soap
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Clothes (appropriate for the climate)
  • Underwear
  • Sunscreen
  • Sneakers

Even though there are towels at hotels, for some reason I always feel better bringing my own to use during my stay. But more importantly, when on a road trip, these come very handy if you need to clean up a mess, if a kid wet themselves or even as a blanket to cover them while they take naps.

I always pack ankle socks because I want to avoid any risk at blisters forming because of the friction between the shoe and the back of their foot. This way, I ensure that their feet are comfortable and we are able to have a full day of fun (especially if a lot of walking is involved).

The rest are your bare necessities of items that they are going to be using every day. When you are packing, make sure that the clothes that you are choosing are well-suited for the climate of your destination. You may search the local weather beforehand when deciding what you will be taking along.

For the Trip

While you are traveling, whether it is by ground or air, there are a few things that you might need to make your travel more enjoyable.

You may consider these:

  • Snacks
  • Water or any drinks you choose (if traveling by airplane, check first if you are allowed to bring your own drinks. TSA usually does not allow liquids to go through, unless its baby formula or water for a baby)
  • Coloring Books and crayons
  • Window gel clings
  • Toys
  • Tablets
Coloring pages and crayons to keep children entertained during trip.
Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pexels

A quick trip to any dollar store will provide entertaining activities for your kids while you travel. It is not expensive and you can throw them away once the trip is over. Having something to do, will keep your kids calm and will make the time pass by fast (especially if it’s a long trip). You may also consider bringing along a tablet or a mobile video game for them to play with. However, if your child gets carsick, then this may not be a good option for you. As staring at the screen while on the move, may make them nauseous.

Furthermore, having snacks and drinks come in very handy when the munchies attack or when you need to hold yourselves off until you can stop to eat. Pack their favorite snacks. These could be fruits, popcorn, chips, carrot sticks or anything that they like. It is a delicious way to make a trip more enjoyable.


Even though I did not officially add this next item on the list, it’s something I highly encourage. If your destination has a climate completely opposite of where you are, you may want to pack cold and flu medicine for kids. It is not unusual for kids to catch a cold if they go from cold weather to hot or vice versa. It is better to have medicine with you just in case this happens, especially, if you are going abroad.

Regardless of the weather of the place where I am headed, I always bring it with me, just in case ?

These are the main things that you are going to need while going on vacation. You may add or remove some items according to your children’s needs and likes.  If you follow this list, I promise you that you will love it and will be prepared for anything that comes your way with your kiddos. I, myself, follow this same list and it has never failed me.

Wishing you a very fun time during your upcoming vacation! And may your bags be packed with all of your must haves ?

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You might also want to read Tips to keep your children safe in the water.

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1 Comment

  1. Jesse says:

    This article is spot on!!!

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