Family building a strong bond with their child.

How To Bond Better With Your Child

When kids are small, it is so much easier to do things together. They do not have their own schedule or commitments yet. You have the freedom of organizing the day for the entire family.

But the day comes when kids grow up and are no longer as interested in spending that much time with Mom and Dad anymore. They will rather be on their phones or hanging out with their friends. Even though this is completely normal, it can tug at our hearts a bit.

As parents, we want our kids to become independent and well adjusted. However, this doesn’t mean that we don’t want them around. This is why we have to do our best to lay a good foundation so we can stay close and bonded with our children.

If you are looking for ways to get closer to your kids and strengthen your bond, here are 8 things you can try. These are simple, yet effective ways you can implement into your every day life to draw closer to them. Whether they are still small or teenagers.

1. Play Games

Board game family is can play to better bond with their kids.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Anything from video games to board games. Simply play together. Families can have so much fun and stay engaged. Find out what games they enjoy and go for it.

When the Among Us craze was going on, my family and I would create our own game room, so only the 4 of us would be playing. It was a blast trying to figure out who the impostor was and trying to defeat him.

You’d be surprise how playing together can help improve your relationship.

2. Movie night

It doesn’t have to be anything too elaborated. You don’t even have to go to the movie theater. If you have streaming services or use YouTube free movies; you can pick a movie the whole family wants to watch (you can also take turns picking the movie or putting it up to a vote), grab some snacks and sit together to enjoy the movie. This is an activity the whole family will enjoy.

This is by far one of our favorites. We pick a movie that we all have been wanting to see and set up a picnic in front of the TV. We put a 99-cent table cover on the floor and set the food and drinks. We all have a good time, and cleanup is a breeze, since we can just wrap up the table cover with all the mess in it and throw it out.

3. Go on walks

Hike at parks or simply walk around your neighborhood. Is not only a great form of exercise for the whole family, but it’s also fun. You’ll get to discover your neighborhood, take in the fresh air, and overall have a good time.

When you are out walking, it will help start conversations because you’ll have nothing else to do but to talk to each other. Take time to spot any cool critters you may come across and try to figure out what they are. It’s really fun.

4. Talk

That’s right, just talk. Talk about school, their friends, their favorite sport, and anything that comes to mind. This will allow you to get to know them and what their thoughts are. Create an environment where they feel heard and are able to talk to you about anything. Always be there to help or celebrate their accomplishments.

Psychology Today says: “Effective communication is vital for a strong parent-child relationship, encompassing both the quantity and quality of interactions. It plays a fundamental role in enhancing the bond between parents and children”.

Always keep communication open between you and your child. This is an essential conductor to building a strong bond.

5. Eat together

Family eating together to build a better bond with their kids.
Photo by Vanessa Loring on Pexels

Whether that is at the dinner table, living room, or any other setting. Do your best to create regular opportunities to share a meal as a family.

Talk about how everyone’s day was and anything else that might be on their minds. Ask them questions about school, if they like the food, and even what would they like to eat the next day. Little conversations can become big ones before you know it.

No matter how ordinary the conversations may seem, it’s time that you are spending together.

6. Cooking together

In my home, we don’t cook together all the time but when we do, we have a great time.

You do not need to be a master chef to have a good time. You can cook anything from pasta, to box cakes, or even sandwiches. Make it so everyone gets a chance to do some cooking. It’s really fun and you will be making beautiful memories. Even if the food doesn’t turn out great, it is something you can laugh about later.

7. Be present

Don’t limit yourself to just going through the motions, but be present. Take in the moments. Listen to what your children are saying (even when, let’s be honest, the story is super boring, they are talking in circles and not getting anywhere!) and ask them questions about it.

Sometimes it may be difficult to stay focused because you have a lot on your mind. But do your best to stay engaged in your conversations and activities.

 8. Make Time

I think this is the most difficult one of all. Especially if you work outside the house, are a single parent, or have multiple children. You may already be stretched thin and there’s not enough of you to give to everyone. In these instances, make it a priority to consciously make this time, quality time.

Perhaps, it may look like playing a game on the phone while the clothes are being washed and dried. Or asking about school while you are making dinner. Quality time may take many forms, what matters is that you are giving them attention and the best you can offer.

Family spending time together building a strong bond with their child.
Photo by Elina Fairytale on Pexels

As you can see, you do not need anything fancy or go on expensive vacations to make especial moments with your children. It truly doesn’t take a lot, just your time and attention.

Now is the time to create memories with your children that will last a lifetime. They will eventually embark on their own adventures and it’s every parent’s hope to have laid a strong foundation that will always keep their bonds strong. Because in our hearts, they will always be our little babies.

How about you? What things do you and your family like to do? Leave a comment down below, I would love to hear it.

Psss.. You may also want to read How To Better Understand Your Children AT Any Age.

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