Hi! My name is Heidy. I am a mom of 2 boys, a wife and an awkward introvert. I have a terrible sense of humor and I always laugh at my own jokes. I became a stay-at-home Mom after my oldest was born and never looked back.

I created this blog because I want to share my experiences and what I’ve learned while raising my children to help other moms on their own journey and create a safe space where we can relate to one another.

My goal is to start conversations around the topics I write about, whether we share the same ideas or have different points of view.

I upload posts that will be helpful for my readers. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. If there are any topics that you would like me to write about, please send me your request. I look forward to exchanging ideas with all of you.

Thank you for visiting my page and I hope we can walk this path together called Motherhood.

And remember:

There is no one way of raising children. We all find our own way and that’s ok.

Special Thanks

Pablo: My dear husband, thank you for your constant support and perspective. Thank you for always making time to brainstorm with me and your helpful suggestions. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you.

Nati: My amazing proofreader. You make every post greater and truly shine. Thanks to you, each post is always in top shape and ready to be uploaded.


I deeply appreciate your direction and advice regarding the user experience and site usability. Your direction has played an important role in the growth of this website.


Thank you so much for all of your assistance in the process of getting this website up. You were the first person to lend me a hand when this site was taking shape.

And to the most important people:

D and M: My sweet and beloved children. Without you, I would have nothing to write about, lol!!! Thank you for being amazing children and the biggest blessing in my life. You are truly my inspiration for everything I do.