Giving a gift to children.

8 Gifts We Can Give Our Children So They Can Grow Into Good Adults

Whether it is for a special occasion or simply because we want to show our love for them, parents always think of gifts to give their children to bring a smile to their faces.

Sometimes these presents may serve many purposes. It can be a reward for them being very good and getting good grades. Or perhaps, a fun toy that also serves for educational purposes. This way your child is learning while having fun.

However, these gifts will not necessarily help you raise a good person. They are great for entertainment, but they do not serve much purpose aside from that.

There are gifts that we must make sure our children receive to help guide them through life, therefore, becoming amazing human beings when they grow up.

These are some of the gifts that we must make sure they receive.

1. Kindness

Child being kind to another child.
Photo by Meruyert Gonullu on Pexels

Teaching our children how to be kind, without expecting a reward, is one of the most beautiful gifts you could ever give them. Not only will this help them be a better person, but in turn, will help the world be a better place. I think we can all agree that we need more kindness in this world, so let’s be the change we want to see.

2. Respect

Teach them that they are valuable, important, and that they deserve respect (but not in an over-inflated-ego kind of way. More of a grounded self-worth). In turn, they should also treat others around them with respect, regardless of age. Essentially, treating others the same way in which they expect to be treated.

They must understand that people around them are not more important, nor inferior to them. As we are all human and we are all valuable.

3. Love

Mom showing love to her child.
Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels

Not in a cheesy-throwing flowers kind of way.

They need to know they are worthy of love. That it’s ok to receive it as well as to give love. This is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. Many times, it’s love that moves us to get up every day and trot forward in life.

It might be the love we feel for our family or our parents, that makes us want to do our best and make them proud. Sometimes, it’s love that motivates us to continue running in this race called life.

4. Tolerance

I know sometimes this word is given a negative connotation, but it’s not. Essentially, it’s being able to respect and be kind to others, even when they think differently from us. Maybe their lifestyle, diet, or beliefs differ from our own.

That’s ok too. Just in the same way WE are allowed to have our own views from others.

It means not berating or attacking others because they have a different opinion from us. Instead, living in harmony, understanding that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and still be respectful and kind to one another.

5. Gratefulness

That’s right. Teach your children to be grateful for every day and everything they have. Not to focus on the things that they do not have, or worse, be envious of others because they have too much, or they have it “better” than them.

Teach them to be happy with what they have and not to be greedy. That there is nothing wrong in wanting to better themselves, but to be careful of greed. Because greed is insatiable and nothing is ever good enough, no matter how much you accumulate, it’s never going to be sufficient.

6. To Dream

Child holding a planet toy representing holding their dream.
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels

Teach them to dream, to reach for the stars. To always work toward their goals and to make something of themselves. Every one of us used to dream of doing or becoming something when we were growing up. We may not always become what we once dreamed of, maybe because life took us in a different direction, or maybe because we changed our minds.

That’s ok too. But many times, dreams do come true, and many people reach their goals every day. Not all dreams have to be this grand achievement. Dreams could be anything. Maybe a dream is to see a whale up close, or maybe, it’s to become a TV celebrity. Whatever the dream is, teach them that’s where everyone starts before embarking on their own journeys and making them come true.

7. To Fail

Life doesn’t always go according to plan. We are all bound to fail at some point or another. Teach them that this doesn’t mean they are a failure or a loser. Instead, that this is the most unsavory part of life and it’s inevitable. Share with them your own stories, what you did to either overcome them or move on.

They have to know that sometimes they may do everything right and things might still not pan out the way they planned them. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try at all. Instead, they should learn from their failures and improve to do better the next time around.

8. To win

Also teach them how to win. That it’s ok to be happy and celebrate their accomplishments without rubbing it in anyone’s face, especially if that other person did not make it.

Winning is the ultimate reward for their hard work and they should be proud of themselves. That it’s ok to be humble, but not to bring themselves down or dim their light just because others may not like the fact they have moved up.

To enjoy their win. Because as we know, sometimes our wins are far and few in between, so take them in when they happen.

Boy jumping: representing jumping into adulthood.
Photo by Edgar Rodrigo on Pexels

Eventually we have to send our children into the world. Our hope is that they make good decisions and have a good life. I don’t know about you, but this is a bit scary for me. I want to always be able to protect them, but I know that this is not possible.

The best thing we can do for them is prepare them, with the tools that they are going to need to navigate this world. Now, of course, life is not mastered with just these skills, but it sure helps with shaping them into decent people.

I think that’s a great place to start.

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