Happy family because they have a good support system. They have a tribe.

5 Reasons Why You Need A Tribe To Be A Happier And Better Parent

Have you ever heard the saying “It takes a village to raise children”? Turns out, that having a tribe is not only important but necessary. Your tribe will help you be a happier and better parent. 

But what does “It takes a village to raise children” mean?

It essentially means that raising children is a very hard job and we all need help. It is very hard to do it all on your own. Now, this doesn’t mean that it would be impossible to do it by yourself; it means that you might face different challenges that might’ve been easier to manage with a little bit of help.

Any parent will admit that raising children is a big responsibility and that it could leave you drained at the end of a tough day. You have to always be “on” and setting a good example for them. It’s impossible to catch every single occurrence that may need to be turned into a teaching moment. It can also be very hard to just let your hair down and just do you. 

This is when your tribe comes in.

What is a tribe?

Parents enjoying their time with their tribe.
Photo by fauxels on Pexels

Your tribe (or village) is the group of trusted people that are by your side to support you and lend a hand whenever is needed. They are the ones that make sure you don’t go insane and are always there to laugh, dance, and cry with you. These are the people you call when things go left, and you have the certainty that they will always be there to come to your rescue (and you to theirs).

They are your core people. They help the machine run smoothly and provide very much needed support, help, and most importantly, love.

They also are your extra pair of eyes

Your tribe also serves as an extra pair of eyes for your children. They may observe something that you are not aware of and bring it to your attention. They may also be the first line of protection for your children at times.

For example: Let’s say you are at the beach or park, they may spot your child about to get hurt before you do and reach them before an accident happens. Or perhaps, if your child did get hurt, they might be the ones to reach them first and help with any injuries.

Why you need a tribe

There are 5 main reasons why you need a tribe to be a happier and better parent.

1. Emotional Support

As people, we face many challenges in our everyday lives. Once we become parents, more challenges arise. You need to be able to ask for advice, relate to other parents, and learn tips and tricks on how to handle certain situations.

Your tribe will be there to uplift you when you are feeling down. They will sit with you when you need to cry it out because you feel so overwhelmed, and they will never let you feel all alone.

They will also be there to cheer you on and your accomplishments, as well as to celebrate you every step of the way.

2. Child Care Support

This one. This one right here is more important than what it seems. No matter how much you love your children, you are going to need a break. You are going to want to do some self-care, go on a date, or just go out with friends and have a nice time. Your tribe will step in and watch over your kids to give you a breather.

They will also be there during emergencies. There might be times when you need to tend to a medical emergency, or perhaps go to a doctor’s appointment and can’t bring your kids along. Without a second thought, they will volunteer to watch your children.

Because they are trusted people, it ensures that you have peace of mind. You’ll know that your children are safe and well taken care of. This is priceless.

3. Strong Social Circle

Family enjoying a day of fun with their children and their tribe.
Photo by Genuine_ Anthony on Pexels

Isolation is a real thing. Many parents, especially Stay-At-Home-Parents, can find themselves isolated. Particularly if your friends are childfree and are not supportive of your new life as a parent and what that role entails. It can be hard to do things together that would include the children.

Your tribe will be supportive and understanding of this. They will not mind this at all. Activities can be planned to allow for children, as well as planning other activities that may just be for adults.

They are the ones that will laugh, joke around with you, and the ones that you rely on.

They help make your life more enjoyable.

4. Keep you grounded

Have you ever felt like you are lacking in the parenting department? Your village will keep you grounded. They will be honest with you and tell you when you are doing great or when you need to improve on something.

No matter how great you are as a parent, there are always going to be some areas that you may have a blind spot for. Your village will tell you. They are there to help you grow and offer their support and encouragement at all times.

5. They are real people that care about you

Your tribe is genuinely interested in your well-being. They are not pursuing an agenda that they are trying to push on you.

This is not to discourage you from joining online Mommy or Daddy communities. They can be a great source of information and ideas. However, the level of personal interest will be different. No one will look out for you the way your tribe will.

They know you personally, the people around you, and your specific circumstances. When they give you advice, they do it knowing the big picture and what’s going on in your life. They might encourage or discourage you from doing something because they know how you operate. Even though something may work great for other people, they know that it will probably not work for you.

They will not take the approach of a “one size fits all” type of advice. It will be tailored to you and your needs. Which in turn, will be of greater help to you and your family.

Does this mean that if you don’t have a tribe, you will be unhappy and a bad parent?

Absolutely not! You can be a very happy and magnificent parent. A tribe is there to give you extra support and help. Not to define you as a parent.

They are the condiments to your burger; they just help make it extra tasty : ).

Family with strong circle of friends who are their tribe.
Photo by August de Richelieu on Pexels

What does it mean then?

It means that humans are social creatures and it’s natural for us to seek a community. It helps us thrive. This is true whether you are an introvert or extrovert. We all need our own people to be happy.

However, when you become a parent, you realize how much more you need a tribe. Your tribe doesn’t have to be big or perfect. It can be formed of your parents, siblings, friends, or anyone you choose. It can also be all of the ones I just mentioned.

More importantly, it also doesn’t mean that you will have a horrible time or fail at parenting without a tribe. You will, however, rise to the occasion and carry it all with grace and strength.

One thing is for sure, for every parent that is trying to keep it together with or without a tribe:

Some days will be picture-perfect. Other days will be hard. And then, there will be days that will feel completely overwhelming. Stand strong and know that you are rocking this parenting thing.

Remember: It doesn’t need to be perfect to be great.

Thank you to my subscriber, Yanna, for suggesting this topic!

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