Happy mom with her children.

10 Things That Make A Good Mom

I think we can all agree that we all have a moment when we wonder what makes a good mom. And there are so many answers to this question.

But I believe that being a good mom doesn’t revolve around one thing or one ideal. Instead, is a combination of things that come together and create the perfect harmony.

Some of them might even be surprising or even out of the ordinary. This is because we all find our way to parent and that is such a beautiful thing.

Here are the main things that I believe make a good mom.

1. Loves her children

A good mom loves her children and is willing to protect them at any cost. This is the fuel that keeps the machine going even on the tough days.

2. Encouraging

Good mom cheering for son.
Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels

Always has words of encouragement that instill confidence in their child. She does not tear their children down but builds them up while keeping them grounded. She is their biggest cheerleader and they can always go to her for a boost of confidence.

3. Shows interest in what’s important to them

She does not dismiss their children’s interests, accomplishments or concerns. She does her best to listen and understand why these things matter to them. She shares in on the joys and is a guiding confidant for their struggles.

4. Has their children’s best interest at heart

A good mom does not search was best for her at all times, even if this means taking away from their children. Instead, she makes decisions that will have the best impact on her children and herself. She makes sure that they are always in the best position possible. And this may look differently for every family. It could be that she has adopted a new diet or a different lifestyle; she’s doing what she believes is best for her family and herself.

5. Enforces Rules

Rules are not a bad thing; they create structure and order. Good moms know that these are important and are a fundamental tool to raise well-rounded human beings that understand respect and order.

6. Strict when she needs to be

Good mom lovingly correcting son for breaking a rule.
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels

Sometimes there are things that are non-negotiable. I.e.: following the law, not stealing, etc. A good mom understands that is ok to be flexible (and she follows her own views on how flexible she wishes to be) but there are things that cannot be compromised upon. And when the rules are broken, consequences follow. This teaches her children to be accountable for their own actions, whether they are big or small.

7. Teaches her kids responsibility

As a mom, we may all wish to always protect our little bundles of joy for eternity. But the reality of life is, that this is not possible. It is our job to raise responsible, well- adjusted, independent adults. Therefore, a good mom makes sure that their kids understand their responsibilities and carry them out. That way, they start building a good foundation for when they are on their own.

8. She is a Parent before a friend

There is nothing wrong with being friends with our kids and having good open communication with them. This is such an important foundation to have to be better mothers to our kids. But this should not be our goal. Kids will have tons of friends at school but only one mom. We are there to parent them, to guide them and love them. Not to be their new bestie where some boundaries get blurred and the roles get confused.

9. Is fair

A good mom doesn’t over indulge their children or become their abettor. Rather, she makes sure they take accountability when they are wrong but stands up for them at the same time. She doesn’t let anyone abuse or take advantage of her children. She makes sure to support them when they are right and also ensures that things are carried out fairly when they have made a mistake.

10. Takes care of herself

Good mom enjoying some time for herself and relaxing.
Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels

It is natural for moms to give their all to their children. And that’s such a beautiful thing. However, she also understands that she needs to take care of herself and do things that make her happy. She knows that if she is happy and healthy, the whole family is also better off.

Being a mom is wearing-many-hats at the same time kind of gig. They are not all the same and not everyone wears them the same way. Many of the points above are enforced differently by every mom and I think that’s what makes the world so interesting.

We all have our own way to parent. The way one mom approaches motherhood, might be different from others. This doesn’t mean that one or the other is doing it the right or wrong way. It just means that she has found the right way for her and her family.

 It is very difficult to do it all and do it right. But I believe, that as long as we are all doing our best, we are doing it perfectly.

Psss.. look at this post on How to practice self-care and mindfulness as a Mom.

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