Mom happy with her boys.

10 Reasons Why Being A Boy Mom Is The Best

I only have boys and I often come across the question from a well-intended person asking if I am going to try for the girl. Regardless of how many years have passed, my answer is still the same: I am happy with my 2 beautiful boys.

They really make my life a joyous adventure that fills me with purpose. My days are filled with laughter and fun. And honestly, I would not have it any other way.

Sometimes it may be a little challenging to match their energy. I often feel like they have some special power that allows them to recharge their energy anew so they can continue to talk endlessly and run in circles around me until I get dizzy. But those are just the perks of having lively, Tasmanian devils active boys. They are tons of fun.

So let me tell you why being a Boy Mom is the best.

1. They are so loving

I don’t know why people believe that boys are not loving or emotional. They are truly as sweet as cotton candy. They love to give and receive warm hugs and lots of kisses. Boys are always ready for an “I love you” and there are no sweeter words than when they catch you unprepared and just utter the words “I love you mama”. You will finally understand the meaning to melting at an I love you from a boy.

2. Getting ready is a breeze

It is so quick! I just need to brush their hair really quick (if I do at all), throw on a shirt, pants and sneakers. Then we are done and ready to go out the door.

When they get dressed up, they are the cutest thing you will ever see. Seeing your little men in a little suit and tie, is a sweet reminder that they truly are little gentleman growing right in front of your eyes.

3. Always up for adventure

Children exploring woods and open for adventure.
Photo By Ekaterina Bolovtsova on Pexels

They are always up for a new discovery and getting their hands dirty. Boys want to explore and discover every nook and cranny. They get uncomfortably close to critters and dead things and are always curious to learn about them. Going on a hike? Then you have yourself an adventurous partner. They will always be up to exploring the creeks that run through it or any ponds that may be around.

Going on walks and hiking are one of our favorite activities to do together. We explore everything we see and jump into any creeks we find along the way. It is so much fun.

4. You get a new found appreciation for poop

Yeap, I know, gross… and a bit cliché. But you cannot imagine what a source of jokes this is. The word “poopy head” is capable of unleashing the biggest fits of laughter and good times. You do not even have to have a good sense of humor (as it is in my own case, lol) to be the cool mom with the best jokes.

5. They are hilarious

The jokes they come up with, the stories, and just them acting silly, will have you laughing it up. Sometimes, you might just end up laughing because the joke was so bad that you can’t help but laugh along with them.

However, I have to warn you, be prepared for the inevitable time when they find all bodily gases extremely hilarious. That one sticks around for a little while, lol ; ).

6. They make you say the silliest things

Boy Moms learn from their kids that it's ok to be silly and have fun.

I might be alone on an island with this one, but this has to be one of my favorite things. I have learned through my children that not everything in life is that important. We can just let go and be silly just for laughs.

I mean, the times I have had to tell them not to do something wee-wee related is more times than I’m willing to admit. But when I catch myself saying one of these things, I can’t help but laugh.

7. Their tears have a hidden power

I could have never imagined that my boys’ tears would make me weak. There’s something about seeing their wet little faces that takes my strength away and makes me jump into action to just make them feel better. It truly is my Achilles’ heel.

8. They make you a better person

They make me want to be a person that they can be proud of and learn from. Someone that they can rely on and know that I will always have their best interest at heart. I want to be the role model they can always look up to and hopefully, inspire them to strive to be the best version of themselves as they grow up.

9. You have a hand at shaping the men of the future

Mom with grown up son.
Photo by Laura Garcia on Pexels

This is such a privilege that us boy moms have. We are raising the future gentlemen that we want to see. They are not going to stay our little boys forever; this is why we want to set them up for success. It’s our job to give them the best start on being good and respectful men when they are all grown up.

10. They keep you on top of your game

They have a way to make you excel at everything. From keeping your first aid kit stacked with antibiotic ointment and band aids; to knowing the name of Dinosaurs outside of the T-Rex and Brachiosaurus. It’s incredible how much information you store just so you can explain things to them and answer their questions.

Boy Mom enjoying time with her kids.
Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash

There are so many reasons why being a boy mom is great and these are just some of the reasons for which I love being a boy mom. I love walking this motherhood path with them. They truly make me a better person and brighten my days.

So, do I sometimes wish I had a girl?

My answer will always be that I have everything I need and it’s perfect, just the way it is.

Are you a boy mom? Let me know in the comments below what you love most about it
: ).

Psss…Being a Boy Mom is great. However, there will be times when we will not understand what’s going on with them. This is why you may want to check out How To Better Understand Your children At Any Age. On this post, we will go over some points that are crucial to understanding them better.

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1 Comment

  1. […] Psss… Being a boy mom doesn’t have to be a bad thing. For us moms who only have boys, raising sons is a beautiful journey. As a boy only mom, I want to share with you 10 Reasons Why Being A Boy Mom Is The Best. […]

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