Mom keeping mom truths

10 Mom Truths No One Wants To Admit

We are conditioned to see Motherhood as this magical experience that mothers are so grateful for. It is true that being a mom is very rewarding and brings us a lot of joy. However, even though we love our children, it doesn’t mean that we love every single thing about motherhood.

There are some aspects of this journey that may not be our favorites, or to be honest, that we may absolutely dislike. Some may be really unwelcomed, while others, may just be funny inconveniences.

With that in mind. Let’s dive right in!

10 Mom truths

1. We don’t like what our children do all the time

It is true that sometimes, we find their shenanigans absolutely hilarious. We may even find some of the things they do endearing and cute. However, this is not always the case. There are sooo many times when we find ourselves rolling our eyes so back in our heads, that we can see our own thoughts, lol. So many occasions when we wonder “how did they even come up with this?” or “you gotta be kidding me!”.

We don’t like every single thing.

2. We don’t want to share our snacks

Most of the time, we just want to eat our snacks in peace. It’s hilarious, and at the same time sad, to have to hide and wait until the kids go to bed, just to eat your cheese puffs in peace, lol. I think most parents have a hiding spot for the snacks they do not want to share.

It’s ok to be a little greedy sometimes ;).

3. We get bored listening to stories

Mom listening to their child telling her a story.
Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels

This is one of those things that always tend to drag on forever. They begin to tell you a story, that seems to never end. While at the same time, repeating the same thing over and over again. And let’s not even talk about when they decide to start from the beginning because they messed up a fact.

It. Is. Bruuttalll!

Even so, we do love that they want to share their stories with us. But it can be challenging at times.

4. Sometimes we tune out our kids

If you have a chatty kid, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. It seems that they always have something to say and talk about. As a survival mechanism, we have mastered the automated response of “really?” and “wow”.

Other times, it just becomes white noise in the background as we continue working on whatever we were doing.

5. Sometimes we pretend we don’t see what they’re doing

There are times when we see our kids doing something and decide that it’s a battle not worth fighting. So, we pretend we don’t see them. They think they are being slick and getting away with it, but the truth is, we just don’t want to deal with it.

Note: This only applies to situations that are not dangerous and will not bring any harm to the child.

6. We don’t love every minute of motherhood

Moms don't love everything about motherhood.
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Yes, we love our kids. But no, we don’t love every minute of motherhood.

I am yet to meet a parent that loved the sleepless nights, toddler tantrums, or diaper blow outs. No parent will say that they loved their pre-teens and teenagers’ attitudes towards them.

We don’t love everything. And that’s ok. It’s ok to say it out loud because is not perfect, and everything is not “magical”. At times, it just stinks.

7. We don’t always know what we’re doing

We just roll with it and wing it as best as we can. It’s impossible to have the answers to everything, especially when we are faced with a problem we never expected to have to deal with. We do the best we can, with the knowledge that we have.

It may feel as if we were the kids not long ago, and now, we are the adults responsible for raising other humans. It’s normal to feel at times that we don’t know what we’re doing. Eventually we figure it out. But man! Sometimes we are just lost.

8. Not everyone can breastfeed

This is such a sensitive subject for many moms, and a very heartbreaking one too. Not everyone is able to breastfeed for a variety of reasons. Some women, unfortunately, may not produce enough breastmilk and need to supplement with formula. Others, may not be able to produce at all, or are just unable to breastfeed because of physical or psychological reasons.

This can be a very touchy subject and many women avoid talking about it for fear of being judged. If you are going through this, please know that you are not alone.

Click here to read a very interesting article from on 9 reasons you may not be able to breastfeed.

9. Unsolicited advice is not always welcomed

Moms don't always love unsolicited advise.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

It’s nice to be able to ask and receive advice on things that we are unsure of, or would like a different perspective on things. However, the advice that comes unsolicited can sometimes not be welcomed at all. It happens often, especially when the kids are small. It seems as if every Moe and Larry need to tell you what to do with your child.

If you have ever given unsolicited advice, do not worry. Most moms will not be rude about it. We will most likely just smile and say thank you. We will just keep it pushing.

10. Having no me-time is hard

Saying bye-bye to me-time, especially when the children are very young, is very hard. It feels like it does not even exist.

You won’t be able to have much time for yourself when your kids are small, unless you can afford a babysitter or have a strong support system. It is surprising how much time you have to forfeit to take care of small children. There’s no time to eat and enjoy your food, or even to go to the bathroom. It can be exhausting.

It is normal to miss the days when you could make a plan, get up, and go. Stay out late and sleep-in the next day. When you first become a mom, it may feel like your only job and hobby, is to care of your child. We eventually settle in and learn to manage it, but the process is still tough.

In conclusion

Some of these points are light hearted and others may be a little more serious. But these are things that most mothers can relate to. Even though we love our kids, it doesn’t mean that everything is sunshine and rainbows. There are things we can laugh about together, and others, that we can complain about in unison ; ).

Let me know in the comments below, what is one thing you don’t love about motherhood?

Psss… You might be interested in reading 10 Surprising Ways In Which Motherhood Will Change You.

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1 Comment

  1. Pablo says:

    As a Father, i actually can agree to this. There are times I feel it gets old always putting my children needs before mine but thats what loving parents do. Great Article!

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